A letter from our president:
Dear WIN Friend,
You may remember our early days when we had to mail newsletters—now we blog. We have conducted over 30 workshops and over 15 health fairs, been interviewed for newspaper articles and done radio shows during that time. You may have attended at least one of our workshops, read an article or listened to us on the Nell Reagan show. Now you can get information on our web site.
We have addressed a wide range of women’s issues on topics from adolescence to menopause, aging, end of life as well as heart disease, osteoporosis and prevention of human trafficking. We have focused on addressing topics with the latest information, a focus on prevention, excellent speakers and exposure to community resources that have products of value to women.
This is an opportunity for you to invest in the future of women’s health programming by making a contribution to WIN. As you may or may not know, WIN has NO salaried employees. The WIN office occupies the former living room of my home! Our Board of Directors is made up of dynamic volunteers—all unpaid.
WIN needs monies to continue to offering exceptional health education events in the coming year. Our advertising and operational costs are kept to a bare minimum—but, we need a phone, computer and internet to function. We also have to maintain a website, pay state registration fees and for newspaper ads and printing of educational materials. We rely totally on contributions, registration fees and grants for funding.
The mission statement for WIN is as follows: To educate and empower girls and women through information and the opportunity for interaction. We now write blogs and communicate on Facebook and our followers are growing. That’s major tech progress for me! We hope you will also contribute to getting the word out about our upcoming workshops.
WIN is a 501c-3 organization. Your tax-deductible gift will enable you to also participate in improving women’s health in our community. Every dollar adds up and will allow WIN to reach out to more women to provide them with current information to guide them to better health. Tax season is upon us. Please write a check today. Thank you!
Sharon Baker, BSN, MN, CWHNP
WIN President
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On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you will be prompted to select a charitable organization from our list of eligible organizations. Simply choose Women’s Information Network and then start shopping!